When you click the Donate button below. There will be several choices, but you always have the choice to donate any amount. As a 501c3, you will be able to deduct any donation to STEMDude Foundation, Inc.
$200.00 Will cover all costs for one student to attend an after-school program for seven weeks. One day per week for one hour. All materials are brought by instructors.
$250.00 Will cover all costs for one student to attend a Full Week STEM Camp during school breaks. These are generally 5 days and four hours each day. All materials are provided by instructors.
$2,500.00 Will cover all costs for Twelve students to attend a Full Week STEM Camp during school breaks. These are generally 5 days and four hours each day. All materials are provided by instructors.
$2,000.00 Will cover all costs for one full classroom to receive classes for 9 weeks, one day per week. These are generally one hour each day directly at their school. Schools chosen are low income in San Diego County
$10,000.00 Will cover all costs for one full classroom to receive classes for the entire school year, one day per week. This can also be divided for two classroom receiving classes for half the school year. These are generally one hour each day directly at their school.
Copyright © 2023 STEM Dude Foundation - All Rights Reserved.
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